Sunday, July 14, 2024

...but didn't stay long.

Well, rather predictably, the nice weather we had on Friday didn’t last long. There was no sign of the sun at all yesterday, it was grey and rained several times throughout the day. At least it wasn’t windy, that’s something I suppose. Despite these slightly miserable conditions, in the evening I met up with a couple of mates at Newhaven Harbour to target mini species. 

An overcast and soon to be wet Newhaven Harbour. 

Scratching around with little pieces of ragworm on small hooks, things were quite slow, but eventually a few fish were caught, including my fifth butterfish of the week! After a while I caught my second viviparous blenny in as many days as well.

Butterfish are very slippery customers. 
Also known as eelpout, viviparous blenny are tricky to handle too. Wriggling and writhing around when you try to hold them, making unhooking them tricky at times. A wet towel comes in handy. 

About an hour after meeting up it started to rain again. Lovely. After catching a lot of micro whiting and a small long spined sea scorpion, I then caught the only two wrasse of the session. Normally by this time of year there are quite a few wrasse around but they still seem to be a lot thinner on the ground than they usually are. 

First up was this goldsinny wrasse.
Followed shortly afterwards by this small ballan wrasse. 

After about three hours, it was still raining, we were all pretty wet, and the bites had pretty much dried up, so we decided to end the session. The arrival of some feather throwing mackerel bashers making this decision a little easier!

Tight lines, Scott.

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